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Aiko Bright

Live More with Less

Book Review – L'art de la Simplicite: How to Live More with Less by Dominique Loreau

Dominique Loreau’s “L’art de la Simplicité: How to Live More with Less” is a refreshing guide that rekindles the spirit of simplicity in various aspects of life. From materialism and ethics to beauty routines and diet, Loreau shares her wisdom on living with less while gaining more inner joy and balance.


The most impactful section of the book is Part III, which serves as a comprehensive guide to essential daily practices. Loreau emphasizes nurturing a pure spirit by eliminating harmful substances, such as alcohol, and incorporating practices like meditation to steer clear of negativity. She underscores the importance of learning to say no, fostering simple yet meaningful connections, and engaging in regular reading and writing. Additionally, she advocates for consistent exercise, a healthy diet, and, perhaps most importantly, the power of a smile.


While these practices seem like common sense, Loreau reminds us of their significance in achieving happiness and comfort. Having read numerous self-help books on simplicity, I find this one the best. I highly recommend it to all women struggling internally and seeking a breakthrough to find inner peace in this chaotic world.

Link to the book:



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